Results: Cherries

Tart Cherry Cordial

Learn how to make this rich Sour/Tart Cherry Syrup for use in many of our Tart Cherry cocktails, such as ...

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Tart Cherry Tonic Syrup

Throw away your one-dimensional Tonic Water and mix yourself up a batch of this delightful Tonic Syrup. You won’t regret ...

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Brandied Cherries

Toss that jar of maraschino cherries and make your own for use in your favorite cocktails! Watch us as we ...

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Sparkling Fruit Slush

This decades-old recipe requires the help of Mom. One of Jeff’s favorite drinks as a kid (using ginger ale), has ...

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Brandy Old Fashioned

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The Brandy Old Fashioned, aka “The Wisconsin Cocktail,” should be emblazoned on our state quarter! It’s widely held that Wisconsin ...

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