Millionaire’s Golden Spike



  • 2 oz 23 year old Bourbon
  • 1 oz Chartreuse Yellow VEP

  • Pour the bourbon and chartreuse over one ice cube in an Old Fashioned Glass.

  • Garnish with a Kaffir Lime Leaf.

The Millionaire’s Golden Spike may seem redundant, as we suspect that it’s the only type of spikes millionaires will have on hand, but this cocktail – based on the Millionaire’s Rusty Nail – is made with very expensive and rare ingredients that only your typical millionaire would have sitting around. We use a rare 23 year old bourbon and of course VEP (exceptionally aged) Yellow Chartreuse. Of course if your not able to get your hands on a bottle of 23 year old Pappys, then you can make the more ordinary (yet equally delicious) “fools gold” Golden Spike with more common ingredients. Either way, this rich and perfumy cocktail is a true delight. Cheers!


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