Beer Phosphate



  • 4 oz chilled Stout Beer
  • ½ tsp Acid Phosphate solution
  • ½ oz Rock Candy (or Rich Simple) Syrup
  • 3 dashes Fee Bros. Whiskey Barrel Aged (or Old Fashioned) Bitters

  • Pour all ingredients into a beer glass and swirl to mix.

Go ahead and call us Jerks for messing with a delicious beer! We are, after all. The Beer Phosphate is a great cocktail which adds a bit of fun to your favorite stout brew. Just as Soda Jerks would add phosphate to their delicious concoctions, we add it to one of the things we love most: a nice, full-bodied, flavorful beer. So enjoy a bit of childhood with the fun and refreshment of an adult beverage. Cheers!


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