Results: Cardamom

Grapefruit Tonic Syrup

Though it is an effort to make this tonic syrup, the incredibly tasty Scratch Grapefruit Gin & Tonic that you ...

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Grapefruit Cordial

This sweet syrup is so delicious that we’re tempted to drink it entirely on its own! This recipe comes from ...

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Lime Cordial

This is just the ticket if you’re looking to “freshen-up” your classic Gimlet. Use this cordial in place of Rose’s ...

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Super Nova

The Super Nova (a take on our Pink Nebula) is a FLAVOR BOMB! It is tart, tasty, complex, and aromatic ...

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Tonic (Quinine) Syrup

Fill your camel pack with our Tonic Syrup if you plan on battling the Anopheles mosquito as you float the ...

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Coconut Milk Punch

This is one crazy cocktail, with an incredible flavor profile and tons of tasty interest. Featuring Batavia Arrack (a sugar ...

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Pink Nebula

This is not just a cocktail for physicists or rocket scientists. Named for its unworldly presentation, you’ll be so mesmerized ...

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